var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /** * Class for Web SQL Database * @param params * @constructor */ ; (function (window) { if (window.BX.dataBase) return; var BX = window.BX; /** * Parameters description: * version - version of the database * name - name of the database * displayName - display name of the database * capacity - size of the database in bytes. * @param params */ BX.dataBase = function (params) { this.tableList = []; this.jsonFields = {}; if(typeof window.SQLitePlugin != 'undefined' && typeof window.SQLitePlugin.openDatabase == 'function') { this.dbObject = window.SQLitePlugin.openDatabase(params); this.dbBandle = 'SQLitePlugin'; } else if(typeof window.openDatabase != 'undefined') { this.dbBandle = 'openDatabase'; this.dbObject = window.openDatabase(, params.version, params.displayName, params.capacity); } else { this.dbBandle = 'undefined'; this.dbObject = null; } }; BX.dataBase.create = function(params) { if ( typeof window.openDatabase != 'undefined' || typeof window.SQLitePlugin != 'undefined' && typeof window.SQLitePlugin.openDatabase == 'function' ) { return new BX.dataBase(params); } else { return null; } }; BX.dataBase.prototype.setJsonFields = function (tableName, fields) { if (typeof fields == 'string') { if (fields == '') { fields = []; } else { fields = [fields]; } } if (tableName && BX.type.isArray(fields)) { tableName = tableName.toString().toUpperCase(); this.jsonFields[tableName] = []; if (fields.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { this.jsonFields[tableName].push( fields[i].toString().toUpperCase() ); } } else { delete this.jsonFields[tableName]; } } return true; } BX.dataBase.prototype.isTableExists = function (tableName, callback) { tableName = tableName.toUpperCase(); var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (typeof callback != 'function') { callback = function(){}; } var tableListCallback = function (tableList) { if (tableList.indexOf(tableName) > -1) { callback(true, tableName); promise.fulfill(tableName); } else { callback(false, tableName); promise.reject(tableName); } }; if (this.tableList.length <= 0) { this.getTableList().then(tableListCallback); } else { tableListCallback(this.tableList); } return promise; }; /** * Takes the list of existing tables from the database * @param callback The callback handler will be invoked with boolean parameter as a first argument * @example */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getTableList = function (callback) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (typeof callback != 'function') { callback = function(){}; } var callbackFunc = callback; this.query({ query: "SELECT tbl_name from sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'", values: [] }).then(function (success) { this.tableList = []; if (success.result.count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < success.result.items.length; i++) { this.tableList[this.tableList.length] = success.result.items[i].tbl_name.toString().toUpperCase(); } } callbackFunc(this.tableList); promise.fulfill(this.tableList); }.bind(this)).catch(function (error){ promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Creates the table in the database * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.createTable = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = 'create'; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { this.getTableList(); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; params.success(success.result, success.transaction); promise.fulfill(success); }.bind(this)).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Drops the table from the database * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.dropTable = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "drop"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { this.getTableList(); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; params.success(success.result, success.transaction); promise.fulfill(success); }.bind(this)).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Add row to the database * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.addRow = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "insert"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { params.success(success.result, success.transaction); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; promise.fulfill(success); }).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Add row to the database * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.replaceRow = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "replace"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { params.success(success.result, success.transaction); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; promise.fulfill(success); }).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Gets the data from the table * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getRows = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "select"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { var tableName = params.tableName.toString().toUpperCase(); if ( this.jsonFields[tableName] && this.jsonFields[tableName].length && success.result.items.length ) { for (var i = 0; i < success.result.items.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this.jsonFields[tableName].length; j++) { if (success.result.items[i][this.jsonFields[tableName][j]]) { success.result.items[i][this.jsonFields[tableName][j]] = JSON.parse(success.result.items[i][this.jsonFields[tableName][j]]); } } } } params.success(success.result, success.transaction); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; promise.fulfill(success); }.bind(this)).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Updates the table * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.updateRows = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "update"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { params.success(success.result, success.transaction); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; promise.fulfill(success); }).catch(function (error){, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Deletes rows from the table * @param params */ BX.dataBase.prototype.deleteRows = function (params) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); params = params || {}; if (typeof params.success != 'function') { params.success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof != 'function') { = function(result, transaction, query){}; } params.action = "delete"; this.query( this.getQuery(params) ).then(function (success) { params.success(success.result, success.transaction); success.result.tableName = params.tableName; promise.fulfill(success); }).catch(function (error) {, error.transaction, error.query, params); error.queryParams = params; promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * Builds the query string and the set of values. * @param params * @returns {{query: string, values: Array}} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getQuery = function (params) { var values = []; var where = params.filter; var order = params.order || null; var limit = params.limit || null; var select = params.fields; var insert = params.insertFields; var set = params.updateFields; var tableName = params.tableName; var strQuery = ""; switch (params.action) { case "create": { var fieldsString = ""; if (typeof(select) == "object") { var field = ""; var type = ""; for (var j = 0; j < select.length; j++) { field = ""; type = ""; if (typeof(select[j]) == "object") { if (select[j].name) { field = select[j].name; } if (field && select[j].type) { if ( select[j].type.toLowerCase() == 'integer' || select[j].type.toLowerCase() == 'real' || select[j].type.toLowerCase() == 'text' ) { field += " "+select[j].type; } } if (field && select[j].unique && select[j].unique == true) { field += " unique"; } } else if (typeof(select[j]) == "string" && select[j].length > 0) { field = select[j]; } if (field.length > 0) { if (fieldsString.length > 0) fieldsString += "," + field.toUpperCase(); else fieldsString = field.toUpperCase(); } } } strQuery = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " (" + fieldsString + ") "; break; } case "drop": { strQuery = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName.toUpperCase(); break; } case "select": { var orderParam = []; if (order && typeof order == 'object') { for (var key in order) { if (order.hasOwnProperty(key)) { orderParam.push(key+" "+(order[key] == "DESC"? "DESC": "ASC")); } } } var limitParam = null; if (limit) { if (typeof limit == 'object') { limitParam = parseInt(limit.limit)+(limit.offset? ', '+parseInt(limit.offset): ''); } else if (typeof limit == 'number') { limitParam = limit; } } strQuery = "SELECT " + this.getValueArrayString(select, "*") + " FROM " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " " + this.getFilter(where) + (orderParam.length > 0? " ORDER BY " + orderParam.join(', ') + " ": "") + (limitParam? " LIMIT " + limitParam + " ": ""); values = this.getValues([where]); break; } case "replace": { var groups = 0; var groupSize = 0; var keyString = ""; if (BX.type.isArray(insert)) { values = this.getValues(insert, 'insert'); for (var i in insert[0]) { groupSize++ } groups = insert.length; keyString = this.getKeyString(insert[0]) } else { values = this.getValues([insert], 'insert'); groups = 1; groupSize = values.length; keyString = this.getKeyString(insert) } strQuery = "REPLACE INTO " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " (" + keyString + ") VALUES %values%"; var placeholder = []; var placeholderGroup = []; for (var i = 0; i < groups; i++) { placeholder = []; for (var j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { placeholder.push('?'); } placeholderGroup.push(placeholder.join(',')); } strQuery = strQuery.replace("%values%", "("+placeholderGroup.join("), (")+")"); break; } case "insert": { var groups = 0; var groupSize = 0; var keyString = ""; if (BX.type.isArray(insert)) { values = this.getValues(insert, 'insert'); for (var i in insert[0]) { groupSize++ } groups = insert.length; keyString = this.getKeyString(insert[0]) } else { values = this.getValues([insert], 'insert'); groups = 1; groupSize = values.length; keyString = this.getKeyString(insert) } strQuery = "INSERT INTO " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " (" + keyString + ") VALUES %values%"; var placeholder = []; var placeholderGroup = []; for (var i = 0; i < groups; i++) { placeholder = []; for (var j = 0; j < groupSize; j++) { placeholder.push('?'); } placeholderGroup.push(placeholder.join(',')); } strQuery = strQuery.replace("%values%", "("+placeholderGroup.join("), (")+")"); break; } case "delete": { strQuery = "DELETE FROM " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " " + this.getFilter(where); values = this.getValues([where]); break; } case "update": { strQuery = "UPDATE " + tableName.toUpperCase() + " " + this.getFieldPair(set, "SET ") + " " + this.getFilter(where); values = this.getValues([set], 'update').concat( this.getValues([where]) ); break; } } return { query: strQuery, values: values } }; /** * Gets pairs for query string * @param {object} fields The object with set of key-value pairs * @param {string} operator The keyword that will be join on the beginning of the string * @returns {string} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getFieldPair = function (fields, operator) { var pairsRow = ""; var keyWord = operator || ""; if (typeof(fields) == "object") { var i = 0; for (var key in fields) { var pair = ((i > 0) ? ", " : "") + (key.toUpperCase() + "=" + "?"); if (pairsRow.length == 0 && keyWord.length > 0) pairsRow = keyWord; pairsRow += pair; i++; } } return pairsRow; }; BX.dataBase.prototype.getFilter = function (fields) { var pairsRow = ""; var keyWord = "WHERE "; if (typeof(fields) == "object") { var i = 0; for (var key in fields) { var pair = ""; var count = 1; if (typeof(fields[key]) == "object") { count = fields[key].length; } for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { pair = ((j > 0) ? pair + " OR " : "(") + (key.toUpperCase() + "=" + "?"); if ((j + 1) == count) pair += ")" }; pairsRow += pair; i++; } } else if (typeof fields == "string") { pairsRow = fields; } return pairsRow == "" ? "" : "WHERE " + pairsRow; }; /** * Gets the string with keys of fields that have splitted by commas * @param fields * @param defaultResult * @returns {string} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getKeyString = function (fields, defaultResult) { var result = ""; if (!defaultResult) defaultResult = ""; if (BX.type.isArray(fields)) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { for (var key in fields[i]) { if (result.length > 0) result += "," + key.toUpperCase(); else result = key.toUpperCase(); } } } else if (typeof(fields) == "object") { for (var key in fields) { if (result.length > 0) result += "," + key.toUpperCase(); else result = key.toUpperCase(); } } if (result.length == 0) result = defaultResult; return result; }; /** * Gets the string with values of the array that have splitted by commas * @param fields * @param defaultResult * @returns {string} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getValueArrayString = function (fields, defaultResult) { var result = ""; if (!defaultResult) defaultResult = ""; if (typeof(fields) == "object") { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (result.length > 0) result += "," + fields[i].toUpperCase(); else result = fields[i].toUpperCase(); } } if (result.length == 0) result = defaultResult; return result; }; /** * Gets the array of values * @param values * @returns {Array} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getValues = function (values, type) { type = type || 'undefined'; var resultValues = []; for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { var valuesItem = values[j]; if (BX.type.isArray(valuesItem)) { for (var i = 0; i < valuesItem.length; i++) { if ((type == 'insert' || type == 'update') && typeof(valuesItem[i]) == "object") { resultValues.push(JSON.stringify(valuesItem[i])); } else if (typeof(valuesItem[i]) == "object") { for (var keyField in valuesItem[i]) { if (typeof(valuesItem[i][keyField]) == "object") { resultValues.push(JSON.stringify(valuesItem[i][keyField])); } else { resultValues.push(valuesItem[i][keyField]); } } } else { resultValues.push(valuesItem[i]); } } } else if (typeof(valuesItem) == "object") { for (var i in valuesItem) { if ((type == 'insert' || type == 'update') && typeof(valuesItem[i]) == "object") { resultValues.push(JSON.stringify(valuesItem[i])); } else if (typeof(valuesItem[i]) == "object") { for (var keyField in valuesItem[i]) { if (typeof(valuesItem[i][keyField]) == "object") { resultValues.push(JSON.stringify(valuesItem[i][keyField])); } else { resultValues.push(valuesItem[i][keyField]); } } } else { resultValues.push(valuesItem[i]); } } } } return resultValues; }; /** * Executes the query * @param success The success callback * @param fail The failture callback * @returns {string} * @param query */ BX.dataBase.prototype.query = function (query, success, fail) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (typeof success != 'function') { success = function(result, transaction){}; } if (typeof fail != 'function') { fail = function(result, transaction, query){}; } if (!this.dbObject) { fail(null, null, null); promise.reject(null, null, null); return promise; } this.dbObject.transaction( function (tx) { tx.executeSql( query.query, query.values, function (tx, results) { var result = { originalResult: results }; var len = results.rows.length; if (len >= 0) { result.count = len; result.items = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var item = {}; var dbItem = results.rows.item(i); for (var key in dbItem) { if (dbItem.hasOwnProperty(key)) { item[key] = dbItem[key]; } } result.items.push(item); } } success(result, tx); promise.fulfill({result: result, transaction: tx}); }, function (tx, res) { fail(res, tx, query); promise.reject({result: res, transaction: tx, query: query}); } ); }, function(error) { console.error('BX.dataBase.prototype.query: ', error); promise.reject(null, null, null); } ); return promise; }; /** * Gets the beautifying result from the query response * @param results * @returns {*} */ BX.dataBase.prototype.getResponseObject = function (results) { var len = results.rows.length; var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { result[result.length] = results.rows.item(i); } return result; }; })(window); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 21:03:41 Nov 25, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 10:55:14 Oct 15, 2023. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 118.773 exclusion.robots: 0.199 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.187 cdx.remote: 0.074 esindex: 0.01 LoadShardBlock: 68.542 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 79.683 (4) load_resource: 96.538 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 54.239 */